The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) is the flight attendant union organized by flight attendants for flight attendants. AFA represents nearly 50,000 flight attendants at 20 airlines, serving as a voice for flight attendants at their workplace, in the industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill. Simply put, the goal of flight attendants who become part of AFA-CWA is to negotiate better pay, benefits, working conditions and work rules at their airline, and to improve their safety on the job.
AFA-CWA negotiates the best flight attendant contracts in the industry, maintaining and improving wages, benefits and working conditions for flight attendants.
AFA-CWA has strength in numbers and a professional staff to assist flight attendants with workplace, career and interpersonal concerns.
AFA-CWA is a democratic union representing flight attendants at every type of carrier. All AFA-CWA officers are flight attendants who solicit member input on policy and financial decisions.
AFA-CWA is the only flight attendant union that solely represents flight attendants’ concerns within the AFL-CIO, the 13-million-member American labor federation.
AFA-CWA shares information and strategies, working in solidarity with flight attendant unions around the world through the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF).

Council 4 or “NCC” is the name of the AFA-CWA council that represents Norwegian Cabin Crew in all US bases (FLL, JFK, and LAX). The council has a Fort Lauderdale address because the Company is also located in Fort Lauderdale, but it services all members nationwide.

The local leaders of AFA-CWA Council 4 are (shown left to right): Valentin Lorien, Katarzyna Mroczek, and Theodore Pavlik. They can be reached at: [email protected] or 754-216-3406.