Norwegian Cabin Crew

Following deteriorating working conditions over a period of years, the U.S.-based Norwegian flight attendants began to organize an independent union, the Norwegian Cabin Crew Association (NCCA). Norwegian Airlines pushed back against the Flight Attendants pushing to deny them the right to even vote on union representation.

Following the vote, Norwegian refused to participate in bargaining and NCCA was forced to file for federal mediation. It became clear at the first federal mediation session that the Flight Attendants would need the support and resources of AFA to ensure their collective bargaining rights are upheld and to negotiate a contract with Norwegian. The result of this vote affirms that AFA represents all of the U.S. based Norwegian Flight Attendants and the company will not be able to use a shell game or subsidiaries to pit flight attendants against each other.

In March 2017 the U.S.-based Norwegian flight attendants voted to join the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) following this vote, the Executive Board of the Norwegian Cabin Crew Association agreed to elected AFA as their collective bargaining representative.